Wataru Nakamori has become an ordinary and executive committee member of the Japanese Association of Turnaround Professionals.
Taizo Kotani(Tokyo Office) joined Kitahama Partners.
Shigeru Osuga (Tokyo Office) joined Kitahama Partners.
Masami Akutsu and Shintaro Hino gave a lecture at “Asia Pacific Trade Secret Summit in 2018” sponsored by the Chinese Federation of Labour, etc. in Taiwan on August 17, 2018.
Toshiaki Nakanishi gave a lecture entitled “Inheritance Law For Successful Practices As Tax Accountants – In Light Of The Amendment Bill As Well “ in the First Block Workshop of 2018 sponsored by Hokkaido Certified Public Tax Accountant’s Association.
Serial article about Civil Procedure Law of China written by the China Practice Team was published in KOKUSAI SHOJI HOMU (No. 4 of 2018) Vol. 46 No. 4(Issue No. 670).
Chang Wei (Tokyo Office) joined Kitahama Partners.
Sakamoto Yasumasa gave a lecture entitled “Corporate Legal Affairs and Accounting in Thailand – Pitfalls That Japanese Corporations Encounter in the Expansion Thereinto –“ in the International legal practice workshop (Part 12) jointly sponsored by Osaka Bar Association and the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Kinki Chapter, on March 7th, 2018.
Kosuke Ikeno (Tokyo Office) joined Kitahama Partners.
Shunsei Kato,Haruka Otaki (Tokyo Office),Takayuki Sato,Takashi Komatsubara,Hiromi Kakugawa,Hidehiko Koyama (Osaka Office) joined Kitahama Partners.