Healthcare & Beauty

Healthcare & Beauty

Health promotion and beauty are closely related and the healthcare and beauty industries overlap in many areas. There has also been a marked increase in the number of elderly people in Japan in recent years due to rising health awareness, so the degree of attention placed on this market, as well as the scale of the market, are expected to keep growing in the future.

Kitahama Partners has a large number of clients in the healthcare and beauty industries, to whom it provides high-quality advice backed by expertise and experience related to the Barbers Act, Beautician Act, Masseur, Acupuncturist & Moxibustion Practitioner Act, Medical Care Act, Medical Practitioners’ Act, Pharmacists Act, Food Sanitation Act, Food Labeling Act, and the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act.

We also possess a wealth of experience and an extensive track record in the provision of advice on compliance, distribution agreements, license agreements, and other contracts, responses to regulatory agencies, responses to product liability lawsuits, and crisis management responses in the event of legal violations.

By combining our expertise and experience in other legal fields (M&A, , Anti-Monopoly Act , finance, real estate laws, employment and labor laws, and intellectual property rights), we have put systems in place to provide comprehensive services that take into account the unique circumstances of the healthcare and beauty industries.
