Risk Management and Compliance

Investigations of Corporate Impropriety

When corporate malfeasance has occurred, it can be difficult to gain the understanding of shareholders, business partners, consumers, securities exchanges and other stakeholders, trapping your corporation in a situation of eroding social trust and ever-increasing damage to your corporate value.

When such a situation is anticipated, it is necessary to request that a third-party committee made up of attorneys independent of the company conduct a compliance investigation, so as to prevent damage to corporate value. Our firm has created mechanisms that allow us to handle corporate impropriety investigations on a large scale by drawing on attorneys who hold qualifications as Certified Fraud Examiners from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners of Japan.

Furthermore, we are able to conduct both standard corporate impropriety investigations based on the “Third-Party Committee Guidelines for Corporate Malfeasance” of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, and other appropriate investigations, including corporate impropriety investigations not based on said guidelines, that are in accordance with client requests and the specifics of the client’s individual case.

Moreover, we have a strong track record in carrying out every phase of these investigations, from evidence collection and establishment of the facts to cause analysis and the formulation of recurrence prevention measures. We also provide advice for the improvement of corporate value after incidents of corporate malfeasance.