Automobile Insurance
Automobile insurance covers vehicle repairs, medical treatment, consolation payments and lost profits in the event of damage to a victim’s vehicle or personal belongings, or death or injury as a result of a traffic accident.
Traffic accidents are something that any of us can encounter, and in this respect, they are relatively familiar to the general public. However, since they involve a variety of legal issues, such as the percentage of negligence, the calculation of damages, and residual disability, they are by no means easy to handle. In addition, there are cases in which the injury or residual disability suffered by the victim needs to be examined from a medical viewpoint, so there are aspects that cannot be treated as legal issues alone.
Moreover, with the recent introduction of self-driving vehicle technology, legal problems concerning such technology are expected to arise in the future, and with the increase in the number of foreign visitors to Japan, it is predicted that there will be an increase in persons involved who are foreign nationals who are unable to speak Japanese.
Our firm possesses a wealth of experience representing the parties involved in traffic accidents and advising insurance companies that pay out automobile insurance claims. Through workshops for clients on automobile insurance and our regular operations, we have accumulated a wealth of expertise regarding automobile insurance, including complex legal issues and the latest business practices related to automobile insurance. We have also established services that enable the early and appropriate resolution of individual cases, as well as services that enable us to offer appropriate advice to insurance companies. Even in cases requiring negotiations with foreign nationals who do not speak Japanese, our attorneys who specialize in international legal affairs are able to handle such negotiations.