
Environmental Law & Environmental CSR

As awareness of environmental issues increases, the demand for responses to environmental legislation is growing worldwide. Led by Yasuhiko Okada, a former Administrative Vice-Minister of the Environment and an attorney at our firm, we provide advice on all aspects of environmental legal services, including support for corporate environmental CSR, renewable energy investment projects, and environmental due diligence for M&As, both in Japan and overseas.

In recent years, problems such as asbestos, PCB disposal, soil contamination, and water pollution have occurred on a regular basis in real estate transactions and M&A transactions in Japan. In the area of international legal affairs as well, due diligence specializing in environmental law, is conducted on a daily basis, especially in developed countries, when acquiring factory sites through M&A. In the area of renewable energy, investment in wind power generation as well as solar power has increased, and legal systems have been established. The number of projects is increasing, albeit at a slower pace than in the United States and Europe.

Our firm provides advice, research, and negotiations, and for in international cases, works closely with overseas lawyers who specialize in environmental law. We also have systems in place that enable us to respond promptly to our clients’ needs.