
United Kingdom

The UK has been attracting attention for its relationship with the EU since the BREXIT was affirmed by referendum. As a major Western country, the UK has historically maintained close economic ties with Japan as a primary destination for Japanese companies. Due to the large volume of business transactions, there are also many business-related disputes, and legal risks are increasing ahead of BREXIT. The United Kingdom is also a European country that has a very strict system in which the burden of legal fees in a dispute is shouldered by the party who loses the dispute. This, along with the fact that the legal profession is divided into barristers and solicitors, means that legal fees tend to be high. For this reason, cost control is vital and the involvement of attorneys who are accustomed to working with local law firms is essential.

We have a broad network of professional and personal relationships with UK legal professionals, including solicitors and barristers. We have the infrastructure to respond flexibly to any requests, so please feel free to contact us.